Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Unique Long Skirt

Hi bloggies, what’s up? Hope you are fine at all
Well, this morning, I’d like to tell you about my ICT assignment. Actually, I’m happy of it, do you know why? Yeah, cause my teacher asked us to make a BLOG. Yiiihhhaaa !!!! I have written a blog since I was in 10th grade. So, it’s time to show my hobby O.o

Yip! And that’s the reason why I forced my mom to take my pose again :D I looked for my sweet clothes, but I just found my white TRISET shirt. Then, I took my mom long skirt. Really!! It’s very beautiful.  It has a unique pattern. There are many glasses on it. Eye catching :) <3

I combine this skirt with white shirt, colorful beads, bangle, and my lovely gladiator shoes. Let’s check my style :)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Cantik Berbusana dengan Segala Bentuk Tubuh

Tidak semua wanita dikaruniai bentuk tubuh yang indah dan sempurna. Namun, bukan berarti kekurangan dan ketidaksempurnaan itu tidak bisa disamarkan dan diseimbangkan. Berikut ini tips untuk menyamarkan ketidaksempurnaan spesifik tubuh dan membantu anda memperoleh tampilan fisik yang seimbang dan tampak sealami mungkin sehingga membuat anda lebih percaya diri.
A. Leher Panjang
Leher yang panjang tentu akan membuat seseorang kelihatan kurus. Selain itu, leher yang panjang membentuk postur tubuh jadi tidak seimbang. Cara menyiasatinya adalah:
a. Samarkan dengan mengenakan gaya rambut yang panjangnya mencapai pertengahan leher atau tengkuk. Juga, pakai kalung atau leher model choker, scarf dan atasan berkerah untuk “memendekkan” leher.
b. Untuk member kesan leher terlihat lebih besar, berikan layering, seperti roll neck di bawah kerah model klasik. Kenakan cravat (semacam dasi wanita) di dalam blus.
c. Kenakan jaket atau jas dengan kerah model mandarin untuk memberi kesan leher lebih pendek.
B. Leher Pendek
Leher yang pendek akan membuat seseorang kelihatan lebih gemuk. Sebab, leher yang pendek akan membuat bagian tersebut terlihat lebih tebal. Untuk menyiasatinya, ikuti cara berikut ini:
a. Selalu kenakan busana open neckline (garis leher terbuka).
b. Kenakan kalung rantai kecil di bawah tulang selangka, rantai yang lebih panjang bahkan lebih merampingkan atau memanjangkan leher.
c. Pakai atasan model V-neck menciptakan ilusi leher yang lebih panjang dan lebih ramping.
d. Kenakan kerah tegak di belakang leher, dan buka rendah ke bawah di depan.
e. Pakai syal membujur yang diikat rendah lebih baik ketimbang syal persegi yang diikatkan tinggi di area leher.
f. Kenakan jaket tanpa kerah. Tapi, hindari style yang menggunakan kancing-kancing hingga tinggi atau mendekati leher.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Get Your Face!

Hi styleups reader,
Now I want to show my cutie T-shirt. I love this one cause it has unique design like my face (but not really cause I'm more). Pink and black, pink block this and  black just draw on its face. This unique stuff suitable for going hang out or course. Simple, unique, cutie, love it :*. Just combine this one with a legging and a high heels or flat shoes, you'll get an eye catching look :)


 Emm and these are my photo with my face T-shirt on. Little blur actually. I just took these using my blackberry cam.

Too Much Arts

Hi Bloggies,

Long time no see this site cause I was too busy with my job as student. Although this month is ramadhan, I had many task from school and many activities in the last independent day. What I did? I cooked some ice for break fasting and I performed an ansamble music with my classmates. I love it :*
Well, now I am on a long holiday. Two weeks are enou gh for me. But I have a big task from my Indonesian teacher u,u. Read a novel and make an analysis data include its intrisik and ekstrinsik information. It’s getting hard when  I knew the novel shouldn’t contain love story. And I borrowed a novel from cindy. Yeah I got “NEGERI 5 MENARA” and it contains 400 pages. Absolutely 400 pages for two weeks (maybe not two weeks cause I’m too lazy).

Ok let me start what I want to tell here, actually about fashion.
In this occasion, I want to let you know my lovely art dress. It has too much arts. In every parts it has different art and colour. Some like batik and some like floral design. It has a little jean part too. But, I forget how much I bought or even I don’t really know it cost. Cause I got it from my beloved mom. I suggest my mom has a great fashion taste hahaha.


Monday, August 1, 2011

Happy Ramadhan

Happy Ramadhan and Happy Fasting bloggies :)
Hope you will get your ramdhanwish :*

This month, august, is a holy month for all Moslems in this world. I like ramadahan because it make a special sensation for me. Actually, I should wear moslem cloth every day during ramadhan to school. I choose to use a long skirt cause it look so beautiful and emm fashionable yeah beside that using jeans is forbidden  in my school >.<

And this was my style on my first day :)

Sunday, July 31, 2011


Hey bloggies :)
This is my first posting which show my own picture and style. Actually I'm still learning about fashion style. So, if there are some unsuitable style or description, comment here please :)

Well, today I'm going to a supermarket with my beloved mom. I'm wearing my gray sweater and my donnatello gladiator shoes. Simple but enjoyable:)

I love my 70's bag from my mom. It's getting old but still fashionable. Necklace with Channel symbol and a bangle are perfecting my style today :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Red on My Style

Red is identified as strong color, brave, full power and etc. Wearing red color on our clothes will make a strong sensation in ourselves. Look so brave, bright, cheerful and confidence.

Picture above is one of red style. Painting floral shirt, Levi's short, Converse sneakers, red belt, colourful bracelets, necklaces, and a shoulder bag :)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011



 This design is simple, girly, and eyecatching. Suitable for going to a date, hangout, or window shopping. Thanks to cindy for designing this set :)

Alice Olivia face shirt
$198 - chickdowntown.com

TopShop embroidered skirt
£35 - topshop.com

TopShop rubber heels
$70 - topshop.com

Emilio Pucci shoulder handbag
$1,555 - net-a-porter.com

Fiorucci pins jewelry
$95 - forzieri.com

